European Infantry Hanger
(aka French Model 1816)

European Infantry Hanger used by various countries including France, Germany, Russia, Spain and others - including Mexico - from about 1800 to about 1900. Many variants are available as a result, including fullered and unfullered blades.
The French call this a briquet. On French swords, the ricasso is generally stamped with the mark of the Director, the Controller and the Reviser of the arsenal; this is especially true with swords manufactured at the Klingenthal arsenal in France. On trooper swords these marks are found on the guard as well.
The most commonly encountered are the French Modele 1816, the Spanish Modelo 1816 or 1818, and the Russian Pattern 1817.

Please Note: These are currently being widely reproduced and offered by various distributors. Beware of these being offered as originals by secondary sources.

European Infantry Hangers

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